Will High Point Skunks Attack My Chickens? Steps to Take ASAP!

The High Point skunks are medium-sized urban mammals that are known for their unique defense mechanism. There are about 4 known species of skunks; spotted, hooded, striped, and hog-nosed skunks. The most common skunk that you will encounter in your yard would be the striped skunk. Their presence can be alarming. The smell of their musk will make it irritating to stay in your house. They may also attack our pets and our chicken coop.

How to Keep the Skunks Away from Your Chicken Coop

The North Carolina skunks are nocturnal animals and will hunt their foods at night. At day, they will be retreating to their den. When they invade your chicken coop, they will be eating the eggs and may injure your chicken. While it is possible for the chicken to survive the attack of the skunk, they can still end up crippled. Skunks will not usually kill large birds. When they attack our chicken coop, it will usually kill 2 smaller birds.

Removing Things that Attracts the High Point Skunks

By removing the things that can attract the skunk, you will be able to minimize the attack of this animal. The scent of the chicken may attract them so be sure to bathe your chickens regularly. The skunks can also be attracted by your garbage can. By employing a good waste management system, you will be able to avoid the visit of this mammal. Place the food scraps under the trashcan to make it difficult for the animal to reach the food. You should also keep it covered using a secured lid. A skunk in your yard can also indicate that there is an insect infestation in your property. Using insect repellent may help you manage the presence of the skunk.

Using Barriers and Deterrents

Another effective way to keep your North Carolina chicken coop safe is with the use of deterrents. You may introduce hardware cloth at the base of your chicken coop that will prevent the animal from entering the chicken coop. The height of the barrier should be around 12-24 inches. You may also construct a covered cage that will surround your chicken coop. Fencing will also be an excellent solution since the skunks are not adept climbers. 

Machine deterrents would be a short-term solution but it will give you enough time to look for a more permanent solution to your problem. Predator light can startle the skunk but you will have to move it after every three days since the skunk will be accustomed to the light. There are also machine deterrents that come with motion sensor that will activate once it detected the movement of the skunks.

You need to make sure that your High Point chicken coop is completely secured. Look for any parts that are damaged and repair it immediately. Apart from the eggs, the skunks will also target the chicks. Keep the chicks in the brooder. The skunks are not known to break into fences but will take advantage of any weak spots. You need to fortify your barrier to keep your livestock safe.

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